
Showing posts from October, 2016


Perih lama belum mau meninggalkan hati Masih membekas menyayat hati Namun kucoba walau tertatih Menutup lembaran lama menelan duri Kuberjalan seorang diri Tak terasa hari silih berganti Kata orang, waktu kan mengobati Ku tak percaya Hingga kutemukan ia di sana Dan mata kami saling beradu Semula semua biasa saja Dia dengan dunianya, ku dengan duniaku Semua berputar ibarat roda Hingga duniaku tak lagi seindah biasanya Hingga pikiranku mulai memikirkannya Tingkahnya, tatapannya Perhatiannya, senyumnya Bolehkah aku melirik ia? Bolehkah aku menatapnya? Memikirkannya, merindukannya Bolehkah ku mengharapkannya? Kuingin memulai percakapan Kuingin menyapanya, memanggilnya Namun apa daya diri ini Tak berani mengungkapkan Tak berani memulai Tanpa sadar kumulai menantikannya Tanpa sadar kumulai mengharapkannya Walau ku tak tahu kemana harapan itu kan berlabuh Walau ku tak tahu apakah harapan itu kan berbalas Apakah kubole...

Pjoter and Anna : Amazing Backpackers!

Hi. Today was a very super day for me, it's unexpected and it was really fun! Today was the day I went to Malang to have my English Olympiad presented by Brawijaya University. I traveled with my English teacher, Mrs. Titik. We went there by train. I woke up very early in the morning, and we went to Yogyakarta at half past five a.m. We arrived at the station at half past six, which the train, Malioboro Express, was scheduled to go at half past seven. Then Mrs. Titik had her breakfast at the station, and we were on time for our train. We got the second carriage in the economy class, in the 17A and B seats. And tadaa! We sat beside two Holland backpackers. Actually, it was Mrs. Titik who asked to switch position because she couldn't have the train moving backward. It appeared that the woman was also the same, and it ended out with this arrangement : Mrs. Titik and the woman sat together facing me and the man. Then we started to talk about a lot of things, they shared ...